The onset of calendar year 2022 is an opportunity to all of us to think a fresh! The pandemic has changed the living style of many families as the earning members are facing volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. Students are clueless about their career prospects. Elders are constantly watching their well being. And home makers are under pressure to balance the daily routine.
But, we have discovered ourselves and learnt new things to face the life challenges. Way back during April 2020 we had started brainstorming in the rural districts on the theme of “Produce for a Purpose” to nurture local startup ecosystem. Few interesting ideas have emerged and further developed as a community entrepreneurship. ArecaPot project is one such.
The team at is assisting Sudhakar to come out of the mid-age career crisis by taking up a new path for himself. He is a great musician but that could not feed his family. And hence worked for Pharma companies representing them in the district. The never ending work pressure did not allow him to do anything else other than visiting Doctors riding his bike through out the marked territory.
Produce for a Purpose is the motivator for him now to explore the local opportunities and win over the crisis….Yes, there are many Sudhakars facing the similar situation – the challenge of VUCA World. We can join hands together in a cohort to build something for ourselves in the native places. There are a plenty of new avenues opened up by the startup ecosystem. YOU TOO CAN JOIN US!!